[ANNOUNCE] AFP Connections to Helios

On November 16th 2015, CTS will discontinue Potsdam’s support for Apple Filing Protocol (AFP) service to Helios. AFP is Apple’s legacy file sharing protocol that is being phased out of OS X in favor of the more common Server Message Block (SMB). Connecting to Helios with SMB is almost exactly the same as AFP. Instead of connecting with afp://helios.potsdam.edu, simply use smb://helios.potsdam.edu instead. Detailed connection instructions can be found here: http://www.potsdam.edu/cts/services/helios/windowsosx.cfm Why the change? Over the last four years Apple has steadily migrated OS X away from using AFP as the default protocol, instead standardizing on SMB. SMB has been the default connection method for the last two Mac OS X operating systems, Yosemite (10.10) & El Capitan (10.11). All OS X versions have been able to utilize SMB effectively since OS X 10.7. With this change, Helios will now use a single protocol to communicate with all campus computers. This simplification will improve the maintainability and security of Helios. If you use AFP to connect to Helios, please change to SMB at your earliest convenience. If you encounter problems, as always please contact the CTS Helpdesk: helpdesk@potsdam.edu or extension 4444.

[COMPLETE] FTP Service Retired

As announced on October 20, ftp access to helios has been retired. The supported method for connecting to file shares when off campus is to use the College’s upgraded VPN service. This requires a straightforward installation of the Global Protect VPN software. Instructions on downloading and installing it are located here: http://www.potsdam.edu/cts/services/vpn/. VPN stands for “Virtual Private Network”. VPN software allows off-campus computers to securely connect to our network and act as if they were on-campus. As such, once you have “VPN’ed in” to campus, connecting to Helios (or any other service) is exactly the same as connecting when on campus. Instructions for connecting to helios from various operating systems may be found here: http://www.potsdam.edu/cts/services/helios/ As always, if you have any questions please contact the CTS Helpdesk: helpdesk@potsdam.edu

[ANNOUCE] FTP Service Retirement

On November 1st 2015, CTS will discontinue Potsdam’s FTP service to Helios. FTP is an old and insecure connection method from the early days of the Internet. The preferred method for connecting to file shares when off campus is to use the College’s upgraded VPN service. This requires a straightforward installation of the “Global Protect” VPN software. Instructions on downloading and installing it are located here: http://www.potsdam.edu/cts/services/vpn/. When off campus, VPN allows your computer to connect to our network as if it were on-compus. As such, once you have “VPN’ed in” to campus, connecting to Helios (or any other service) is exactly the same as on campus. Instructions for connecting to helios from various operating systems may be found here: http://www.potsdam.edu/cts/services/helios/ If you have any questions, please contact the CTS Helpdesk: helpdesk@potsdam.edu

Campus WiFi Upgrade

CTS (Computing & Technology Services) has been working diligently in the last year to upgrade the campus data network. This past summer we began the upgrade and expansion of our administrative WiFi network.  Work continues, but CTS would like you to be aware of the following: There are now two wireless networks:  W@SP and W@SPBYOD W@SP (Wireless @ SUNY Potsdam) is our old network and is available in all the same places it was last year.  It will remain on until the new system is completely active. W@SPBYOD is new and is available in some buildings (list below). When you join this network, you will be asked to log in using your CCA username and password.  Guests will be presented with the opportunity to register for limited access using any valid e-mail address. The new network is available now in the following buildings: Barrington Student Union Carson Hall Crane Commons Crumb Library Dunn Hall Flagg Hall Kellas Hall MacVicar Hall Morey Hall Physical Plant Complex Stillman Hall Timerman Hall You may notice new access points in other buildings, but they are still being tested and configured.  As new buildings come online, announcements will be made to the Network and Systems Status Blog [ http://blogs.potsdam.edu/network  ] and to the CTS Twitter and Facebook feeds. If you have trouble connecting your wireless device to the new network, please report it to the CTS Helpdesk by sending e-mail to helpdesk@potsdam.edu In other exciting news, Apogee has replaced Time Warner as the Internet provider in our residence halls.  To use Apogee’s network you must register and create an account at http://myresnet.com. Problems accessing or using Apogee’s service should be directed to Apogee Technical Support by calling 855-410-7380


We’d like to invite you to apply for a job at our Helpdesk in Stillman Hall if you have been awarded Federal Work Study. We have one position available. We provide technology support for the campus. You don’t need to be a computer wiz to work for us. All we ask is a willingness to learn, the ability to retain information, and an interest in technology. If you have a computer and have installed your own software/printer/or other device, that’s a great start. We have a PDF that you can download and fill out electronically or bring into the Helpdesk. http://www.potsdam.edu/cts/news/studentemployment.cfm

[FYI] Phishing Emails

Just a reminder from CTS that at the beginning of the semester we see a large influx of Phishing emails where someone is trying to trick you into giving out your campus username and password. Often they claim your email is running out of space, or if you don’t login and do a certain action your account will be disabled. Often (but not always) these come from emails that don’t even end with @potsdam.edu or direct you to a site that isn’t one of our potsdam.edu sites! This is a dead giveaway something is amiss. To learn more about Phishing emails and some other things to look out for, please visit our page on the topic: http://www.potsdam.edu/cts/services/emailservice/phishing.cfm

[ANNOUNCE] New residence hall wireless networks

Welcome Students!  SUNY Potsdam is pleased to announce that we have partnered with Apogee, a national Resnet provider with an exceptional track record, to enhance your residential experience. The Apogee team spent the summer deploying a new high-speed wireless network in every hall, providing complete coverage and eliminating the need for cable modems. Here is a brief overview of what you can expect when you arrive on campus:  Full 802.11AC wireless coverage in all residence halls (no more cable modems!)  Each student can connect 5 personal devices (mobile phone, tablets, computers, smart TVs, etc.)  Each student will have dedicated bandwidth of 14Mbps per device!  Wired ports in most rooms, if you wish to utilize a CAT5 ethernet cable to connect your device.  Apogee will provide a wireless dongle for devices without wireless capabilities.  24×7 Call Center for questions and assistance.  An on-campus Apogee Technician to provide assistance.  Apogee and Potsdam staff have strived to make this an easy transition for all resident student. You only need to bring your devices with you when you return; no need to purchase cable modems or other equipment.  Because the use of non-campus routers can interfere with the improved Apogee wireless system, students will not be allowed to use their own personal routers. Instructions for creating an account and connecting to the network are provided on a hanger on every residence hall door and Apogee staff will be available during move-in to assist.  Safe travels to all returning students, and welcome back for Fall 2015!  Regards,  Potsdam CTS and ResLife

[FYI] SUNY ITEC is scheduled to perform maintenance that will affect one or more services hosted at ITEC.

On 7/22/15 from midnight to 7am, SUNY ITEC is scheduled to perform maintenance that will affect one or more services hosted at ITEC. All production servers will be powered off for reboots and filesystem checks during this time. SUNY Potsdam services affected include both Banner and Degree Works. If you use other ITEC services you will be affected as noted above.